Color Scheme File Format

New in version 0.12: Support for custom color schemes using this format was introduced in SpeedCrunch 0.12.

SpeedCrunch uses a simple JSON-based file format for color scheme definitions. New color schemes may easily be created, used and shared without having to recompile SpeedCrunch.

In addition to the color schemes integrated into the application, color scheme files are loaded from the following directory:

  • Windows: C:/Users/<USERNAME>/AppData/Roaming/SpeedCrunch/color-schemes
  • Linux/Unix: ~/.local/SpeedCrunch/color-schemes
  • OS X: ~/Library/Application Support/SpeedCrunch/color-schemes
  • When using a portable version of SpeedCrunch on any operating system, additional color schemes are loaded from the color-schemes subdirectory in the portable application directory.

All color scheme files must have the extension .json. The file name without the extension will be displayed in the color scheme menu (Settings ‣ Display ‣ Color Scheme). The contents of the color scheme directory are retrieved when SpeedCrunch is launched, so to have it pick up a newly-added color scheme file, it is necessary to restart the application. However, color scheme files are always reloaded when a color scheme is selected in the menu; that means after making changes to a color scheme file, re-selecting it in SpeedCrunch will reload the color scheme and show the changes. This allows for quick feedback when editing color schemes.

The files themselves are simple JSON files containing a single JSON object mapping role names to color values. By way of example, this is the color scheme definition for the “Terminal” scheme that ships with SpeedCrunch:

    "cursor": "#8C648C",
    "number": "#FFFFFF",
    "parens": "#AD7FA8",
    "result": "#689FCF",
    "comment": "#894B7A",
    "matched": "#64507B",
    "function": "#EF2928",
    "operator": "#C4A000",
    "variable": "#4A9A07",
    "scrollbar": "#8C648C",
    "separator": "#AD7FA8",
    "background": "#300A24",
    "editorbackground": "#26001A"

Here, the keys are roles, each referring to elements in the SpeedCrunch history view and expression editor that can be colored. The values specify the colors for these roles. Color values may be any valid argument to the method QColor::setNamedColor; the recommended form are simple HTML-style #RRGGBB definitions, using two hexadecimal digits per color component as in the example.

Any unknown roles will be ignored. If a role is not defined in the color scheme, corresponding elements will be using the application’s default text color (or, for background roles, the default background color). However, if the file is not valid JSON or otherwise does not follow the format described above, the color scheme will not load and SpeedCrunch will use the fallback colors for every element.

Supported Color Roles

The following role names are supported by SpeedCrunch:


The cursor in the expression editor.


Any number.


Any parentheses. This role defines the text color, both for regular as well as for highlighted matching parentheses.


The result value in the history view.


Any comments.


The background color for matching parentheses. When moving the cursor on a parenthesis, both it and its corresponding counterpart will be highlighted by changing their background to this color.


The names of defined functions, built-in as well as user-defined functions.


Any operator.


The names of any variables or built-in constants.


The color of the history view’s scrollbar.


Separators; notably, the semicolon (;) used for defining and using multi-argument functions.


The background color of the main history view.


The background color of the expression editor.