User Interface


Apart from the main display, SpeedCrunch offers a number of extra panels, referred to as widgets here. They can be enabled and disabled via the View menu.

  • Formula Book

    The formula book provides access to commonly used formulas and calculations. Simply insert a formula into the expression editor by clicking on it.

    You can help expanding the formula book by posting your requests to the issue tracker.

  • Constants

    The constants widget shows a list of over 150 scientific constants. Just double-click on an entry to paste it into the editor.


    As of version 0.12, the constants have not yet been adapted to make use of the new unit system. All the inserted values thus lack a unit. This is likely to change in a future version.

  • Variables

    The variables widget lists all user-defined variables. Any of them can be inserted into the editor by double-clicking it. Additionally, it is possible to delete a variable by selecting it and pressing the Delete key on your keyboard.

  • Functions and User Functions

    Similar to the variables widget, these show built-in and user-defined functions respectively.

  • Bit Field

    The bit field widget is designed to make working with binary numbers easier. It shows a field of 64 squares, each representing a bit in the current result. Any bit can be toggled by clicking its square; the resulting number is automatically inserted into the editor. Additional buttons allow you to shift, invert and reset all the bits at once. While the mouse cursor is hovering over the bit field, scrolling the mouse wheel will also shift the bits.

  • Keypad

    The on-screen keypad allows inputting numbers without using the keyboard. However, it is very limited and doesn’t provide access to many of SpeedCrunch’s more advanced features. For that reason, using SpeedCrunch’s keyboard interface is recommended in place of using the keypad.

    Changed in version 0.11: The keypad was removed in SpeedCrunch 0.11; however, it was added back in 0.12.

  • History

    The history widget lists all previous inputs. Double-click a line to recall it. Note that the main result display also provides this functionality.

Expression Editor Features

The expression editor provides some advanced features:

  • Autocompletion

    If you start typing a name (e.g. of a variable, function, or unit), a pop-up with matching names will appear. Pressing Tab or Enter will automatically insert the first suggestion. Alternatively, you can use the arrow keys or the mouse to select a different suggestion, or continue typing to refine the list.

  • Quick constant insertion

    Press Control+Space to open a list of constants that allows quick access to the same constants as the constants widget (see above). Use the arrow keys to navigate the list.

  • Context help

    Pressing F1 will show the manual page for the function under the cursor, providing quick access to detailed usage information for a function. Pressing Escape will dismiss the manual window again.

  • Selection results

    If Settings ‣ Behavior ‣ Partial Results is enabled, selecting a partial expression in the expression editor will show you the result of the selected expression.


SpeedCrunch can save/export your session in a number of ways. The Session ‣ Save and Session ‣ Load menu entries allow you to easily save and restore your entire SpeedCrunch session. The data is stored in a SpeedCrunch-specific file format. [1] While the session files are human-readable, they are designed for use by SpeedCrunch. If you want to export your calculations to work on them in another program or hand them to a colleague, the other export options are preferable.

You can save the session as HTML (Session ‣ Export ‣ HTML). The resulting file will consist of the contents of the result display and can be viewed in any web browser. This feature can also be used to print a SpeedCrunch session by printing the exported HTML document. Since the syntax highlighting and color scheme are maintained in the HTML output, it is recommended to select a color scheme with a white background (e.g. Standard) prior to exporting if you intend to print the document.

The final, most basic option is to export your session as a plain text file (Session ‣ Export ‣ Plain text). In contrast to the HTML export option, the syntax highlighting will be lost.

SpeedCrunch also offers capabilities to import a session from a text file (Session ‣ Import). Select any plain text file and SpeedCrunch will try to evaluate each line of the file as if the user entered it directly.


SpeedCrunch’s behavior can be customized to a large degree using the configuration options in the Settings menu. This section explains the settings that are available.

Result Format

This section allows selecting the result format to use. You can select one of the following formats:

  • Decimal ‣ General

    Use fixed decimal form for most results; for very large (more than six integer places) or very small results (less than 0.0001), scientific notation will be used.

  • Decimal ‣ Fixed Decimal

    Display results in fixed decimal form. For excessively large or small numbers, this format may still fall back to scientific notation.

  • Decimal ‣ Engineering

    Display results in engineering notation. This is a variant of scientific notation in which the exponent is divisible by three.

  • Decimal ‣ Scientific

    Display results in normalized scientific notation.

  • Binary

    Display results as binary numbers, i.e. in base-2.

  • Octal

    Display all results as octal numbers, i.e. in base-8.

  • Hexadecimal

    Display all results as hexadecimal numbers, i.e. in base-16.

In addition to the main result format, some further options are available to customize the result output:

  • Precision

    Select the number of fractional digits to display. Automatic always displays as many digits as are necessary to represent the number precisely. The other settings explicitly specify a certain number of digits and will append additional zeroes to the fraction to reach that number of digits, if necessary.

Input Format

This section allows selecting the input format to use.

  • Radix Character

    Select the decimal separator to use in inputs and results. This can either be explicitly set to dot (.), or comma (,), or both, or system default. When both dot and comma are used, the decimal separator is detected automatically in inputs and the system default is used in results. With that latter mode, mixing both dot and comma in a same number to express the decimal separator and digit group separators is supported, but might lead to unexpected results.

Angle Unit

Select the angular unit to be used in calculations. For functions that operate on angles, notably the trigonometric functions like sin() or cos(), this setting determines the angle format of the arguments.

  • Radian

    Use radians for angles. A full circle corresponds to an angle of 2π radians.

  • Degree

    Use degrees for angles. A full circle corresponds to an angle of 360°.


This section contains several settings that allow you to further configure SpeedCrunch’s behavior.

  • Save History on Exit

    Controls if the calculation history is automatically saved when SpeedCrunch exits and restored when it is launched again.

  • Save Window Position on Exit

    Controls if the window position is saved and restored.

  • Partial Results

    If set, SpeedCrunch will display partial results as you type your expression as well as results when selecting a partial expression in the editor.

  • Automatic Result Reuse

    This setting allows you to quickly continue typing after evaluating an expression by inserting ans into the editor if necessary.

  • Automatic Completion

    Completely enables or disables autocompletion.

  • Syntax Highlighting

    Enables or disables syntax highlighting.

  • Digit Grouping

    Visually group digits in long numbers. Requires Settings ‣ Behavior ‣ Syntax Highlighting to be enabled.

  • Leave Last Expression

    If selected, the entered expression remains in the editor after evaluating it.

  • Enable Complex Numbers

    Enable or disable support for complex numbers. If disabled, j will be undefined and expressions that would return complex results (like sqrt(-1)) will fail.

  • Always on Top

    Keep the SpeedCrunch window on top of other windows.

  • Automatic Result to Clipboard

    Automatically copy the result to the clipboard whenever an expression is evaluated.

User Interface Settings

  • Settings ‣ Display ‣ Color Scheme

    Select a color scheme. See Color Scheme File Format for information on how to install additional color schemes so they are displayed in this menu.

  • Settings ‣ Display ‣ Font

    Select the font to use for the expression editor and result display.

  • Settings ‣ Language

    Select the user interface language.

Keyboard Shortcuts


  • Control+L

    Load session.

  • Control+S

    Save session.

  • Control+Q

    Quit SpeedCrunch.

  • Escape

    Clear expression.

  • Control+N

    Clear history.

  • Control+C

    Copy selected text to clipboard.

  • Control+R

    Copy last result to clipboard.

  • Control+V

    Paste from clipboard.

  • Control+A

    Select entire expression.

  • Control+P

    Wrap the current selection in parentheses. If no text is selected, the entire expression is wrapped.

Widgets and Docks

  • Control+1

    Show/hide formula book.

  • Control+2

    Show/hide constants widget.

  • Control+3

    Show/hide functions widgets.

  • Control+4

    Show/hide variables widget.

  • Control+5

    Show/hide user functions widget.

  • Control+6

    Show/hide bit field widget.

  • Control+7

    Show/hide history widget.

  • Control+B

    Show/hide the status bar.

  • Control+K

    Show/hide the keypad.


  • Page Up and Page Down

    Scroll the result window page-wise.

  • Shift+Page Up and Shift+Page Down

    Scroll the result window line-wise.

  • Control+Page Up and Control+Page Down

    Scroll to the top or bottom of the result window.


  • F2

    Set result format to general decimal.

  • F3

    Set result format to fixed decimal.

  • F4

    Set result format to engineering decimal.

  • F5

    Set result format to scientific decimal.

  • F6

    Set result format to binary.

  • F7

    Set result format to octal.

  • F8

    Set result format to hexadecimal.

  • F9

    Set angle unit to radian.

  • F10

    Set angle unit to degree.

  • Control+.

    Use a period as decimal separator.

  • Control+,

    Use a comma as decimal separator.


  • F1

    Show context help (dismiss with Escape).

    New in version 0.12.

  • F11

    Toggle full screen.

  • Control + mouse wheel, Shift + mouse wheel, or Shift+Up and Shift+Down

    Change the font size.

  • Control+Shift + mouse wheel

    Change the window opacity.

    New in version 0.12.


[1]Starting with SpeedCrunch 0.12, the session format is based on JSON. Previous versions used a simple custom text format.